Monday, May 17, 2021



 Slip no1:Consider the following entities and their relationships. 

Create a RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

 Emp(eno ,ename ,designation ,salary, Date_Of_Joining)

Dept(dno,dname ,loc)

The relationship between Dept & Emp is one-to-many. Constraints: - Primary Key, ename should not be NULL, salary must be greater than 0.


SQL> create table emp(eno number primary key,ename varchar(20),designation varchar(20),salary number,date_of_joining varchar(20));


Table created.                                                         

SQL> desc emp;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 ENO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER

 ENAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 DESIGNATION                                        VARCHAR2(20)

 SALARY                                             NUMBER

 DATE_OF_JOINING                                    VARCHAR2(20)



SQL> insert into emp(eno,ename,designation,salary,date_of_joining)

  2  values(1,'Mr. Advait','Assistant',54000,'23/03/2002');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into emp(eno,ename,designation,salary,date_of_joining)

  2  values(2,'Mr. Roy','ceo',50000,'15/06/2019');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into emp(eno,ename,designation,salary,date_of_joining)

  2  values(3,'Mr. Abhay','manager',60000,'10/06/2013');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into emp(eno,ename,designation,salary,date_of_joining)

  2  values(4,'Mr. Raghav','manager',420000,'01/03/2003');


1 row created.


SQL> select * from emp;


       ENO ENAME                DESIGNATION              SALARY

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------


-------------------- ----------

         1 Mr. Advait           Assistant                 54000



         2 Mr. Roy              ceo                       50000



         3 Mr. Abhay            manager                   60000




       ENO ENAME                DESIGNATION              SALARY

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------


-------------------- ----------

         4 Mr. Raghav           manager                  420000





SQL> create table dept(dno number primary key,dname varchar(20),loc varchar(10),eno references emp);


Table created.


SQL> desc dept

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER

 DNAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 LOC                                                VARCHAR2(10)

 ENO                                                NUMBER


SQL> insert into dept(dno,dname,loc,eno)

  2  values(101,'computer','pune',1);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into dept(dno,dname,loc,eno)

  2  values(102,'computer science','mumbai',2);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into dept(dno,dname,loc,eno)

  2  values(103,'Quqlity','mumbai',3);


1 row created.



SQL>   insert into dept(dno,dname,loc,eno)

  2  values(104,'Account','mumbai',4);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from dept;


       DNO DNAME                LOC               ENO

---------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

       101 computer             pune                1

       102 computer science     mumbai              2

       103 Quqlity              mumbai              3

       104 Account              mumbai              4





Q.3 Consider the above tables and Execute the following queries:

1. Add column phone_No into Emp table with data type int.

SQL> alter table emp

  2  add phone_no int;


Table altered.


SQL> desc emp;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 ENO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER

 ENAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 DESIGNATION                                        VARCHAR2(20)

 SALARY                                             NUMBER

 DATE_OF_JOINING                                    VARCHAR2(20)

 PHONE_NO                                           NUMBER(38)


 2. Delete the details of Employee whose designation is ‘Manager’.


SQL> Delete from emp

  2  where designation='manager';


2 rows deleted.


Q4. Consider the above database and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Display the count of employees department wise.

SQL> select count(emp.eno),dname from emp,dept

  2  where emp.eno=dept.eno

  3  group by dname;



-------------- --------------------

             1 computer science

             1 Account

             1 computer

             1 Quqlity


2.   Display the name of employee who is ‘Manager’ of “Account Department”.

SQL> select ename from emp,dept

  2  where emp.eno=dept.eno

  3  and designation='manager' and dname='Account';




Mr. Raghav

Mr. Abhay


3.   Display the name of department whose location is “Pune” and “Mr. Advait” is working in it


SQL> select dname from emp,dept

  2  where emp.eno=dept.eno

  3  and loc='pune' and ename='Mr. Advait';






4.   Display the names of employees whose salary is greater than 50000 and       department is “Quality”.


SQL> select ename from emp,dept

  2  where emp.eno=dept.eno

  3  and salary>50000 and dname='Quqlity';




Mr. Abhay


5.   Update Dateofjoining of employee to ‘15/06/2019’ whose department is ‘computer science’ and name is “Mr. Roy’.

update emp set date_of_joining='15/06/2019'

where ename='Mr.Roy' and dno in(select dno from dept where dname='computer science');


slip no:2--Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a

 RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Sales_order (ordNo, ordDate)

Client (clientNo, ClientName, addr)

The relationship between Client & Sales_order is one-to-many. 

Constraints: - Primary Key, ordDate should not be NULL

 SQL> create table client(cno varchar(10) primary key,cname varchar(20),addr varchar(20));


Table created.


SQL> desc client

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 CNO                                       NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)

 CNAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(20)


SQL> insert into client values('CN001','Abhay','Pune');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into client values('CN002','Patil','Pune');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into client values('CN003','Mr.Roy','Pimpri');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into client values('CN004','Raj','Mumbai');


1 row created.


SQL> select * from client;


CNO        CNAME                ADDR

---------- -------------------- --------------------

CN001      Abhay                Pune

CN002      Patil                Pune

CN003      Mr.Roy               Pimpri

CN004      Raj                  Mumbai


SQL> create table sales_order(ordno int primary key,ordDate varchar(23) not null,

cno varchar(10) references client on delete cascade);


Table created.


SQL> desc sales_order;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 ORDNO                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 ORDDATE                                   NOT NULL VARCHAR2(23)

 CNO                                                VARCHAR2(10)


SQL> insert into sales_order values(1,'23/06/2015','CN001');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into sales_order values(2,'09/03/2019','CN002');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into sales_order values(3,'09/08/2009','CN004');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into sales_order values(4,'09/08/2019','CN002');


1 row created.


SQL> select * from sales_order;


     ORDNO ORDDATE                 CNO

---------- ----------------------- ----------

         1 23/06/2015              CN001

         2 09/03/2019              CN002

         3 09/08/2009              CN004

         4 09/08/2019              CN002


Q.3Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

 1. Add column amount into Sales_order table with data type int.


SQL> alter table sales_order

  2  add amount int;


Table altered.


SQL> desc sales_order;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 ORDNO                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 ORDDATE                                   NOT NULL VARCHAR2(23)

 CNO                                                VARCHAR2(10)

 AMOUNT                                             NUMBER(38)


2. Delete the details of the clients whose names start with ‘A’ character.


SQL> delete from client

  2  where cname like'A%';


1 row deleted.


SQL> select * from client;


CNO        CNAME                ADDR

---------- -------------------- --------------------

CN002      Patil                Pune

CN003      Mr.Roy               Pimpri

CN004      Raj                  Mumbai


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Delete sales order details of client whose name is “Patil” and order date is “09/08/2019”.


SQL> delete from sales_order

  2  where ordDate='09/08/2019'

  3  and cno in(select cno from client where cname='Patil');


1 row deleted.


SQL> select * from sales_order;


     ORDNO ORDDATE                 CNO            AMOUNT

---------- ----------------------- ---------- ----------

         2 09/03/2019              CN002             100

3      09/08/2009              CN004             100


2)Change order date of client_No ‘CN001’ ‘18/03/2019’.

SQL> update sales_order

  2  set ordDate='18/03/2019'

  3  where cno='CN001';


0 rows updated.

3) Delete all sales_record having order date is before ‘10 /02/2018’.

SQL> delete from sales_order

  2  where ordDate<'20/10/2019';


2 rows deleted.

4)Display date wise sales_order given by clients.


SQL> select ordDate,ordno,amount,cno from sales_order

  2  order by ordDate;


no rows selected


5) Update the address of client to “Pimpri” whose name is ‘Mr. Roy’

SQL> update client

  2  set addr='pimpri'

  3  where cname='Mr.Roy';


1 row updated.


Slip no-3:-Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Hospital (hno ,hname , city, Est_year, addr)

 Doctor (dno , dname , addr, Speciality)

The relationship between Hospital and Doctor is one - to – Many Constraints: - Primary Key, Est_year should be greater than 1990.




SQL> create table hospital(hno int primary key,hname varchar(20),city varchar(20),est_year numeric(4) check(est_year>1990),addr varchar(20));


Table created.


SQL> desc hospital;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 HNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 HNAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 CITY                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 EST_YEAR                                           NUMBER(4)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(20)


SQL> insert into hospital values(101,'balaji','pune',1993,'kharadi road');


1 row created.


SQL>  insert into hospital values(103,'vedant','mumbai',1993,'dharavi');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into hospital values(104,'ruby','pimpri',1993,'kharadi road');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into hospital values(105,'birla','chinchwad',1993,'tyr');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into hospital values(106,'qw','pune',1993,'kalptaru');


1 row created.


SQL> select * from hospital;


       HNO HNAME                CITY                   EST_YEAR

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------



       101 balaji               pune                       1993

kharadi road


       103 vedant               mumbai                     1993



       104 ruby                 pimpri                     1993

kharadi road



       HNO HNAME                CITY                   EST_YEAR

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------



       105 birla                chinchwad                  1993



       106 qw                   pune                       1993



SQL> create table doctor(dno int primary key,dname varchar(20),addr1 varchar(20),speciality varchar(20),hno int references hospital on delete cascade);


Table created.


SQL> desc doctor;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DNAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 SPECIALITY                                         VARCHAR2(20)

 HNO                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into doctor values(1,'dr.joshi','pune','skin',104);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into doctor values(2,'dr.mane','nashik','surgeon',103);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into doctor values(3,'dr.patil','pune','gynecologist',101);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into doctor values(4,'dr.Raghav','pune','skin',105);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into doctor values(5,'dr.Abhay','mumbai','internist',104);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into doctor values(6,'dr.joshi','pune','surgeon',106);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into doctor values(7,'dr.Riya','pune','skin',103);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into doctor values(8,'dr.Gawade','pune','head',104);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from doctor;


       DNO DNAME                ADDR                 SPECIALITY

---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------



         1 dr.joshi             pune                 skin



         2 dr.mane              nashik               surgeon



         3 dr.patil             pune                 gynecologist




       DNO DNAME                ADDR                 SPECIALITY

---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------



         4 dr.Raghav            pune                 skin



         5 dr.Abhay             mumbai               internist



         6 dr.joshi             pune                 surgeon




       DNO DNAME                ADDR                 SPECIALITY

---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------



         7 dr.Riya              pune                 skin



         8 dr.Gawade            pune                 head




8 rows selected.


Q.3Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1. Delete addr column from Hospital table.


SQL> alter table hospital

  2  drop column addr1;


2. Display doctor name, Hospital name and specialty of doctors from “Pune City” .

SQL> select dname,hname,speciality from doctor,hospital

  2  where doctor.hno=hospital.hno

  3  and city='pune';


DNAME                HNAME                SPECIALITY

-------------------- -------------------- --------------------

dr.patil             balaji               gynecologist

dr.joshi             qw                   surgeon


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Display the names of the hospitals which are located at “Pimpri” city.


SQL> select hname from hospital,doctor

  2  where doctor.hno=hospital.hno

  3  and city='pimpri';








2.   Display the names of doctors who are working in “Birla” Hospital and 

      city name is “Chinchwad”

SQL> select dname from doctor,hospital

  2  where doctor.hno=hospital.hno

  3  and hname='birla' and city='chinchwad';






3.   Display the specialty of the doctors who are working in “Ruby” hospital.

SQL> select speciality from hospital,doctor

  2  where doctor.hno=hospital.hno

  3  and hname='ruby';








4.   Give the count of doctor’s hospital wise which are located at “Pimple Gurav”.

SQL> select hname,count(dno) from doctor,hospital

  2  where doctor.hno=hospital.hno

  3  and addr='kharadi road'

  4  group by hname;


HNAME                COUNT(DNO)

-------------------- ----------

ruby                          3

balaji                        1


5.   Update an address of Doctor to “Pimpri” whose hospital is “Ruby clinic”

SQL> update doctor set addr1='pimpri'

  2  where hno in(select hno from hospital where hname='ruby');


3 rows updated.


Slip no-4:Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a 

RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Patient (PCode, Name, Addr, Disease)

Bed (Bed_No, RoomNo, loc)

Relationship: - There is one-one relationship between patient and bed. Constraints: - Primary key, RoomNo must be greater than Bed_No, Addr should not be null.

SQL> create table patient(pcode int primary key,name varchar(20) not null,addr varchar(20),disease varchar(10));


Table created.


SQL> desc patient;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 PCODE                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 NAME                                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 DISEASE                                            VARCHAR2(10)


SQL> insert into patient values(11,'Raghav','pimple gurav','listeria');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into patient values(12,'Abhay','pune','norovirus');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into patient values(13,'Mr.Roy','mumbai','cholera');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into patient values(14,'Sachin','pimple gurav','dengue');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into patient values(15,'Priya','nashik','listeria');


1 row created.


SQL> select * from patient;


     PCODE NAME                 ADDR                 DISEASE

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------

        11 Raghav               pimple gurav         listeria

        12 Abhay                pune                 norovirus

        13 Mr.Roy               mumbai               cholera

        14 Sachin               pimple gurav         dengue

        15 Priya                nashik               listeria


SQL> create table bed(bno int primary key,rno int not null,loc varchar(10) not null,pcode int references patient on delete cascade);


Table created.


SQL> desc bed;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 RNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 LOC                                       NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)

 PCODE                                              NUMBER(38)



SQL> insert into bed values(1,105,'pune',11);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bed values(2,102,'2nd floor',12);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bed values(3,103,'4th floor',13);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bed values(4,104,'1st floor',11);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bed values(5,105,'3rd floor',14);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bed values(6,106,'2nd floor',15);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from bed;


       BNO        RNO LOC             PCODE

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1        105 pune               11

         2        102 2nd floor          12

         3        103 4th floor          13

         4        104 1st floor          11

         5        105 3rd floor          14

         6        106 2nd floor          15


6 rows selected.


Q.3Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1. Display the details of patients who are from “Pimple Gurav”


SQL> select * from patient

  2  where addr='pimple gurav';


     PCODE NAME                 ADDR                 DISEASE

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------

        11 Raghav               pimple gurav         listeria

        14 Sachin               pimple gurav         dengue


2.   Delete the details of patient whose Bed_No is 1 and RoomNo is 105.

SQL> select * from patient,bed

  2  where patient.pcode=bed.pcode

  3  and bno=1 and rno=105;


     PCODE NAME                 ADDR                 DISEASE           BNO

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

       RNO LOC             PCODE

---------- ---------- ----------

        11 Raghav               pimple gurav         listeria            1

       105 pune               11


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Display the count of patient room wise.


SQL> select count(patient.pcode) from patient,bed

  2  where patient.pcode=bed.pcode

  3  group by rno;









2.   Display the names of patients who are admitted in room no 101.

SQL> select name from patient,bed

  2  where patient.pcode=bed.pcode

  3  and rno=102;






3.   Display the disease of patient whose bed_No is 1

SQL> select disease from patient,bed

  2  where patient.pcode=bed.pcode

  3  and bno=1;






4.   Display the room_no and bed_no of patient whose name is “Mr Roy”

SQL> select rno,bno from patient,bed

  2  where patient.pcode=bed.pcode

  3  and name='Mr.Roy';


       RNO        BNO

---------- ----------

       103          3

5.   Give the details of Patient who is admitted on 2nd flr in roomno 102.


SQL> select * from patient,bed

  2  where patient.pcode=bed.pcode

  3  and loc='2nd floor' and rno=102;


     PCODE NAME                 ADDR                 DISEASE           BNO

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

       RNO LOC             PCODE

---------- ---------- ----------

        12 Abhay                pune                 norovirus           2

       102 2nd floor          12


Slip no-5:Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. 

Create a RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Customer (cust_no, cust_name, address, city)

Loan (loan_no, loan_amt)

The relationship between Customer and Loan is Many to Many Constraint: 

Primary key, loan_amt should be > 0.



SQL>  create table customer(cno int primary key,cname varchar(20) not null,addr varchar(20),city varchar(10));


Table created.


SQL> desc customer

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 CNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 CITY                                               VARCHAR2(10)


SQL> insert into customer values(101,'Dhiraj','kharadi','pune');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customer values(102,'Patil','kalptaru','pimpri');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customer values(103,'Abhay','west','pimpri');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customer values(104,'Raghav','rt','nashik');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customer values(105,'Dhanu','bvh','pune');


1 row created.


SQL> select * from customer;


       CNO CNAME                ADDR                 CITY

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------

       101 Dhiraj               kharadi              pune

       102 Patil                kalptaru             pimpri

       103 Abhay                west                 pimpri

       104 Raghav               rt                   nashik

       105 Dhanu                bvh                  pune


SQL> create table loan(lno int primary key,lamt int check(lamt>0),cno int references customer on delete cascade);


Table created.



SQL> insert into loan values(1,120000,101);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into loan values(2,100000,102);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into loan values(3,30000,103);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into loan values(4,120,104);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into loan values(5,1000000,105);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from loan;


       LNO       LAMT        CNO

---------- ---------- ----------

         1     120000        101

         2     100000        102

         3      30000        103

         4        120        104

         5    1000000        105


Q.3Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

 1. Add Phone_No column in customer table with data type int.


SQL> alter table customer

  2  add phone_no int;


Table altered.


SQL> desc customer

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 CNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 CITY                                               VARCHAR2(10)

 PHONE_NO                                           NUMBER(38)


2)Delete the details of customer whose loan_amt<1000.

Delete cno,cname,addr,city, from customer

Where customer.cno=loan.cno

And lamt<1000;


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Find details of all customers whose loan_amt is greater than 10 lack.


SQL> select * from customer,loan

  2  where customer.cno=loan.cno

  3  and lamt>1000000;


no rows selected


2.   List all customers whose name starts with 'D' character.

SQL> select * from customer

  2  where cname like 'D%';


       CNO CNAME                ADDR                 CITY         PHONE_NO

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

       101 Dhiraj               kharadi              pune

       105 Dhanu                bvh                  pune


3. List the names of customer in descending order who has taken a loan from Pimpri city.

SQL> select * from customer

  2  where city='pimpri'

  3  order by cname desc;


       CNO CNAME                ADDR                 CITY         PHONE_NO

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

       102 Patil                kalptaru             pimpri

103hay                west                 pimpri


4.Display customer details having maximum loan amount

SQL> select max(lamt) from customer,loan

  2  where customer.cno=loan.cno;






 5.Update the address of customer whose name is “Mr. Patil” and loan_amt is greater than 100000.


update customer set addr='pune'

where cname='patil' and lno in(select lno from laon where lamt>100000);


Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Project (pno, pname, start_date, budget, status) Department (dno, dname, HOD, loc)

The relationship between Project and Department is Many to One. Constraint: Primary key. Project Status Constraints:

C – Completed,

P - Progressive,

 I – Incomplete

SQL> create table project(pno int primary key,pname varchar(20),sdate date,budget int,status varchar(20) check(status in('c','i','p')));


Table created.


SQL> desc project;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 PNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 PNAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 SDATE                                              DATE

 BUDGET                                             NUMBER(38)

 STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(20)


SQL> insert into project values(1,'abc','09/mar/20',2300000,'c');


1 row created.


SQL>  insert into project values(2,'xyz','01/apr/18',200000,'i');


1 row created.


SQL>  insert into project values(3,'st','23/mar/27',1200000,'p');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into project values(4,'vb','12/feb/20',600000,'c');


1 row created.


SQL>  insert into project values(5,'qrt','16/jan/23',3400000,'p');


1 row created.


SQL> select * from project;

PNO       PNAME                SDATE         BUDGET STATUS

---------- -------------------- --------- ---------- --------------------

         1 abc                  09-MAR-20    2300000 c

         2 xyz                  01-APR-18     200000 i

         3 st                   23-MAR-27    1200000 p

         4 vb                   12-FEB-20     600000 c

         5 qrt                  16-JAN-23    3400000 p

SQL> create table department(dno int primary key,dname varchar(20),hod varchar(20),loc varchar(20),pno int references project on delete cascade);


Table created.


SQL> desc department

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DNAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 HOD                                                VARCHAR2(20)

 LOC                                                VARCHAR2(20)

 PNO                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into department values(101,'computer','desai','pune',1);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into department values(102,'commerce','mane','pune',2);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into department values(103,'computer','kadam','pune',3);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into department values(104,'engineering','sam','pune',4);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from department;


       DNO DNAME                HOD                  LOC

---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------



       101 computer             desai                pune



       102 commerce             mane                 pune



       103 computer             kadam                pune




       DNO DNAME                HOD                  LOC

---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------



       104 engineering          sam                  pune



Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1.   Drop loc column from department table.


      alter table department

drop  column loc;


2. Display the details of project whose start_date is before one month and status is “Progressive”


SQL> select * from project

  2  where sdate>'12/feb/20' and status='p';


       PNO PNAME                SDATE         BUDGET STATUS

---------- -------------------- --------- ---------- --------------------

         3 st                   23-MAR-27    1200000 p

         5 qrt                  16-JAN-23    3400000 p


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Display the names of project and department who are worked on projects whose status is ‘Completed’


SQL> Select pname,dname,hod,loc from department,project

  2  where department.pno= project.pno

  3  and project.status='c';


PNAME                DNAME                HOD

-------------------- -------------------- --------------------



abc                  computer             desai



vb                   engineering          sam



2.   Display total budget of each department.

SQL> Select sum(budget),dname from department,project

  2  where department.pno=project.pno

  3  group by dname;



----------- --------------------

     200000 commerce

     600000 engineering

    3500000 computer


3.   Display incomplete project of each department.

SQL> select pname,status ,count(department.dno) from department,project

  2  where department.pno=project.pno

  3  and project.status='i'

  4  group by status,pname;


PNAME                STATUS               COUNT(DEPARTMENT.DNO)

-------------------- -------------------- ---------------------

xyz                  i                                        1


4.   Display all project working under 'Mr.Desai'.


SQL> Select pname from department,project

  2  where department.pno=project.pno

  3  and hod= 'desai';






5.Display department wise HOD.


SQL> select dname,hod  from department,project

  2  where department.pno=project.pno

  3  order by dname;


DNAME                HOD

-------------------- --------------------

commerce             mane

computer             kadam

computer             desai

engineering          sam


slip no_7:Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships.

Create a RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Room (roomno, desc, rate)

Guest (gno, gname, no_of_days)

The relationship between Room and Guest is One to One. Constraint: 

Primary key, no of days should be > 0.

SQL> create table room(rno int primary key,des varchar(20),rate number);


Table created.


SQL> desc room;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 RNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DES                                                VARCHAR2(20)

 RATE                                               NUMBER


SQL> insert into room values(101,’A/C’,1500);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into room values(102,’Non A/C’,750);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into room values(103,’A/C’,2000);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into room values(104,’Non A/C’,1200);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from room;


       RNO DES                        RATE

---------- -------------------- ----------

       101 A/C                        1500

       102 Non A/C                     750

       103 A/C                        2000

       104 Non A/C                    1200


SQL> create table guest(gno int primary key,gname varchar(20),nod number check (nod>0));


Table created.


SQL> desc guest;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 GNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 GNAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 NOD                                                NUMBER


SQL> insert into guest values(101,'Mr.Bharat',3);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into guest values(102,'Mr.Nilesh',4);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into guest values(103,'Mr.Advait',7);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into guest values(104,'Miss.Sapana',2);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from guest;


       GNO GNAME                       NOD

---------- -------------------- ----------

       101 Mr.Bharat                     3

       102 Mr.Nilesh                     4

       103 Mr.Advait                     7

       104 Miss.Sapana                   2


Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1.   Update the rate of room to 5000 whose type is “AC”

SQL> update room set rate=5000

  2  where des='A/C';


2 rows updated.


SQL> select * from room;


       RNO DES                        RATE

---------- -------------------- ----------

       101 A/C                        5000

       102 Non A/C                     750

       103 A/C                        5000

       104 Non A/C                    1200


2.   Display the name of guest who is staying 2 days in roomno 101


     select gname from room,guest

     where room.rno=guest.rno

     and nod=2 and rno=101;


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Display room details according to its rates in ascending order

SQL> select des,rate from room

  2  order by des asc;


DES                        RATE

-------------------- ----------

A/C                        5000

A/C                        5000

Non A/C                    1200

Non A/C                     750


2.   Display the roomno in which “Mr. Advait” is staying for 7 days


select rno from room,guest

where room.rno=guest.rno

and gname='Mr.Advait' and nod=7;


3.   Find no. of AC rooms.

SQL> select count(rno) from room

  2  where des='A/C';






4.   Find names of guest with maximum room charges.

select gname from room,guest

where guest.rno=room.rno

and rate=(select max(rate) from room);


5.   Display guest wise halt days.

Select gname,nod from guest

Order by gname;

SQL> Select gname,nod from guest

  2  Order by gname;


GNAME                       NOD

-------------------- ----------

Miss.Sapana                   2

Mr.Advait                     7

Mr.Bharat                     3

Mr.Nilesh                     4


Slip_no 8:Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a 

RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Book (Book_no, title, author, price, year_published) Customer (cid, cname, addr)

Relation between Book and Customer is Many to Many with quantity as descriptive attribute. Constraint: Primary key, price should be >0;

SQL> create table book(bno int primary key,title varchar(10),author varchar(20),

price int check(price>0),yp number);


Table created.


SQL> desc book;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 TITLE                                              VARCHAR2(10)

 AUTHOR                                             VARCHAR2(20)

 PRICE                                              NUMBER(38)

 YP                                                 NUMBER


SQL> insert into book values(101,'dreams','mr.Raj',150,2017);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into book values(102,'life','mr.Raghav',100,2019);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into book values(103,'rt story','mr.Gadhave',190,2011);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into book values(104,'Dad','dr.Sam',200,2001);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into book values(105,'Struggle','mr.Raj',250,2017);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into book values(106,'Joker','Mr. Talore',230,2011);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from book;


       BNO TITLE      AUTHOR                    PRICE         YP

---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

       101 dreams     mr.Raj                      150       2017

       102 life       mr.Raghav                   100       2019

       103 rt story   mr.Gadhave                  190       2011

       104 Dad        dr.Sam                      200       2001

       105 Struggle   mr.Raj                      250       2017

       106 Joker      Mr. Talore                  230       2011


6 rows selected.

SQL> create table customer(cid int primary key,cname varchar(20),addr varchar(20),bno int references book);


Table created.


SQL> desc customer;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 CID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 BNO                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into customer values(1,'Abhay','pune',101);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customer values(2,'Sam','Mumbai',102);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customer values(3,'Raghav','pimpri',103);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customer values(4,'Abhay','mumbai',104);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customer values(5,'Ganesh','Nashik',105);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from customer;


       CID CNAME                ADDR                        BNO

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------

         1 Abhay                pune                        101

         2 Sam                  Mumbai                      102

         3 Raghav               pimpri                      103

         4 Abhay                mumbai                      104

         5 Ganesh               Nashik                      105


SQL> create table customerbook(bcid int primary key,bno int references book,

cid int references customer);


Table created.


SQL> desc customerbook;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BCID                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 BNO                                                NUMBER(38)

 CID                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into customerbook values(11,101,1);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customerbook values(12,102,2);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customerbook values(13,101,3);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customerbook values(14,103,1);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into customerbook values(15,106,4);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from customerbook;


      BCID        BNO        CID

---------- ---------- ----------

        11        101          1

        12        102          2

        13        101          3

        14        103          1

        15        106          4

Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:


1.Display the name of book whose author is “Mr. Gadhave”.

SQL> select title from book

  2  where author='mr.Gadhave';




rt story


2.Add column EMailId into customer table.

SQL> alter table customer

  2  add emailID varchar2(20);


Table altered.


SQL> desc customer;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 CID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 CNAME                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 BNO                                                NUMBER(38)

 EMAILID                                            VARCHAR2(20)


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Display customer details from 'Mumbai'.

SQL> select * from customer

  2  where addr='mumbai';


       CID CNAME                ADDR                        BNO

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------



         4 Abhay                mumbai                      104


2. Display author wise details of book.

SQL> select author,title from book

  2  order by author;


AUTHOR               TITLE

-------------------- ----------

Mr. Talore           Joker

dr.Sam               Dad

mr.Gadhave           rt story

mr.Raghav            life

mr.Raj               dreams

mr.Raj               Struggle


6      rows selected.


 3)Display customer name that has purchased more than 3 books.

SQL> select count(book.bno),cname from customer,book,customerbook

  2  where customer.cid=customerbook.cid

  3  and book.bno=customerbook.bno and book.bno>3

  4  group by cname;



--------------- --------------------

              1 Raghav

              1 Sam

              3 Abhay


3.   Display book names having price between 100 and 200 and published 

year is 2019.

SQL> select book.title from book,customer,customerbook

  2  where customer.cid=customerbook.cid

  3  and book.bno=customerbook.bno

  4  and yp=2019 and price between 100 and 200;





5. Update the title of book to “DBMS” whose author is “Mr. Talore”.


SQL> update book set title='DBMS'

  2  where author='Mr. Talore';


1 row updated.


SQL> select * from book;


       BNO TITLE      AUTHOR                    PRICE         YP

---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

       101 dreams     mr.Raj                      150       2017

       102 life       mr.Raghav                   100       2019

       103 rt story   mr.Gadhave                  190       2011

       104 Dad        dr.Sam                      200       2001

       105 Struggle   mr.Raj                      250       2017

       106 DBMS       Mr. Talore                  230       2011


6 rows selected.


Slip_no:9 Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a

 RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Property (pno, desc, area, rate)

Owner (owner_name, addr, phno) The relationship between owner and Property is One to Many. Constraint: Primary key, rate should be > 0

SQL>  create table property(pno int primary key,des varchar(20) not null,area varchar(20) not null,rate int check(rate>0));


Table created.


SQL> desc property;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 PNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DES                                       NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20)

 AREA                                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20)

 RATE                                               NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into property values(101,'vegr','nashik',1030000);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into property values(102,'tr','Pune',100000);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into property values(103,'vbh','pune',1030000);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into property values(104,'vsdr','mumbai',20000);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into property values(105,'hjjr','nashik',10000);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from property;


       PNO DES                  AREA                       RATE

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------

       101 vegr                 nashik                  1030000

       102 tr                   Pune                     100000

       103 vbh                  pune                    1030000

       104 vsdr                 mumbai                    20000

       105 hjjr                 nashik                    10000

SQL> create table owner(name varchar(20),addr varchar(20),phno int,pno int references property);


Table created.


SQL> desc owner;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 NAME                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 PHNO                                               NUMBER(38)

 PNO                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into owner values('Mr.Mane','Mumbai',1762386534,101);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into owner values('Mr.Patil','Mumbai',1762386534,102);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into owner values('Mr.Joshi','Pune',6892386534,103);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into owner values('Mr.Bhagat','Pune',6876783865,101);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into owner values('Mr.Abhay','Pune',6753386534,104);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from owner;


NAME                 ADDR                       PHNO        PNO

-------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

Mr.Mane              Mumbai               1762386534        101

Mr.Patil             Mumbai               1762386534        102

Mr.Joshi             Pune                 6892386534        103

Mr.Bhagat            Pune                 6876783865        101

Mr.Abhay             Pune                 6753386534        104


Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1. Display area of property whose rate is less than 100000


SQL> select area from property

  2  where rate>100000;







2.   Give the details of owner whose property is at “Pune”

SQL> select * from owner

  2  where addr='Pune';


NAME                 ADDR                       PHNO        PNO

-------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

Mr.Joshi             Pune                 6892386534        103

Mr.Bhagat            Pune                 6876783865        101

Mr.Abhay             Pune                 6753386534        104


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Display area wise property details.

SQL> select area,des from property

  2  order by area;


AREA                 DES

-------------------- --------------------

Pune                 tr

mumbai               vsdr

nashik               vegr

nashik               hjjr

pune                 vbh


2.   Display property owned by 'Mr.Patil' having minimum rate.

SQL> select min(rate) from property,owner

  2  where property.pno=owner.pno

  3  and name='Mr.Patil';






3.   Delete all properties from “pune” owned by “Mr. Joshi”.

SQL> delete from owner

  2  where addr='Pune' and name='Mr.Joshi';


1 row deleted.


SQL> select * from owner;


NAME                 ADDR                       PHNO        PNO

-------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

Mr.Mane              Mumbai               1762386534      101


Mr.Patil             Mumbai               1762386534        102

Mr.Bhagat            Pune                 6876783865        101

Mr.Abhay             Pune                 6753386534        104


4. Update the phone Number of “Mr. Joshi” to 9922112233 who is having property 

at “Uruli Kanchan”


SQL> update owner set phno=9922112233

  2  where addr='Urali Kanchan';


1 row updated.


SQL> select * from owner;


NAME                 ADDR                       PHNO        PNO

-------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------

Mr.Mane              Mumbai               1762386534        101

Mr.Patil             Mumbai               1762386534        102

Mr.Bhagat            Pune                 6876783865        101

Mr.Abhay             Pune                 6753386534        104

Mr.Sam               Urali Kanchan        9922112233        104


 5.Delete column address from Owner table.

Alter table owner

drop column addr;



slip_no-10:Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a 

RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Employee (emp_no, name, skill, payrate)

Position (posting_no, skill)

The relationship between Employee and Position is Many to Many with day and 

shift as descriptive attribute. Constraint: Primary key, payrate should be > 0.


SQL>  create table employee(eno int primary key,name varchar(20),skill varchar(20) not null,payrate int check(payrate>0));


Table created.


SQL> desc employee;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 ENO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 NAME                                               VARCHAR2(20)

 SKILL                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20)

 PAYRATE                                            NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into employee values(1,'Rghav','manager',23000);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into employee values(2,'Mane','waiter',23000);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into employee values(3,'Priya','ceo',23000);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into employee values(4,'Abhay','chef',23000);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from employee;


       ENO NAME                 SKILL                   PAYRATE

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------

         1 Rghav                manager                   23000

         2 Mane                 waiter                    23000

         3 Priya                ceo                       23000

         4 Abhay                chef                      23000


SQL> create table position(pno int primary key,skill varchar(20),eno int 

references employee);


Table created.


SQL> desc position;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 PNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 SKILL                                              VARCHAR2(20)

 ENO                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into position values(201,'mg',1);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into position values(203,'ceo',2);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into position values(202,'wt',3);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into position values(205,'wdf',4);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into position values(204,'whd',2);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from position;


       PNO SKILL                       ENO

---------- -------------------- ----------

       201 mg                            1

       203 ceo                           2

       202 wt                            3

       205 wdf                           4

       204 whd                           2

SQL> create table ep(epno int primary key,eno int references employee,pno int references position);


Table created.


SQL> desc ep;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 EPNO                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 ENO                                                NUMBER(38)

 PNO                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into ep values(11,1,201);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into ep values(12,2,202);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into ep values(13,2,203);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into ep values(14,3,202);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into ep values(15,1,204);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from ep;


      EPNO        ENO        PNO

---------- ---------- ----------

        11          1        201

        12          2        202

        13          2        203

        14          3        202

        15          1        204


Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1. Display skill of employees name wise.

SQL> select name,skill from employee

  2  order by name;


NAME                 SKILL

-------------------- --------------------

Abhay                chef

Mane                 waiter

Priya                ceo

Rghav                manager


2)Update the posting of employee to 220 whose skill is “Manager”.

SQL> update position set pno=220

  2  where skill='mg';


1 row updated.


SQL> select * from position;


       PNO SKILL                       ENO

---------- -------------------- ----------

       220 mg                            1

       203 ceo                           2

       202 wt                            3

       205 wdf                           4

       204 whd                           2

       208 manager                       2


6 rows selected.


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

 1. Find the names and rate of pay of all employees who has allocated a duty.


SQL> select name,payrate from employee;


NAME                    PAYRATE

-------------------- ----------

Rghav                     23000

Mane                      23000

Priya                     23000

Abhay                     23000


2. Give employee number who is working at posting_no. 201, but don’t have the 

skill of waiter



SQL> select,employee.skill from employee,position,ep

  2  where employee.eno=ep.eno

  3  and position.pno=ep.pno

  4  and position.pno=201 and employee.skill not in('waiter');


no rows selected


 3)Display a list of names of employees who have skill of chef and who has

 assigned a duty.

select name from employee,position,ep

where employee.eno=ep.eno

and position.pno=ep.pno

and employee.skill='chef';


4.   Display shift wise employee details.

SQL> select name,employee.skill from employee,position,ep

  2  where employee.eno=ep.eno

  3  and position.pno=ep.pno

  4  group by employee.skill,name;


no rows selected


5.   Update payrate of employees to 20000 whose skill is waiter.

SQL> update employee set payrate=20000

  2  where skill='waiter';


1 row updated.


SQL> select * from employee;


       ENO NAME                 SKILL                   PAYRATE

---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------

         1 Rghav                manager                   23000

         2 Mane                 waiter                    20000

         3 Priya                ceo                       23000

         4 Abhay                chef                      23000


Slip_no:11:Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a 

RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Bill (billno, day, tableno, total)

 Menu (dish_no, dish_desc, price)

The relationship between Bill and Menu is Many to Many with quantity as descriptive attribute.

 Constraint: Primary key, price should be > 0.

SQL>  create table bill(bno int primary key not null,day varchar(10),tbno int,

total int);


Table created.


SQL> desc bill;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DAY                                                VARCHAR2(10)

 TBNO                                               NUMBER(38)

 TOTAL                                              NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into bill values(301,'monday',109,1120);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bill values(302,'sunday',123,9120);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bill values(303,'tuesday',122,4200);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bill values(304,'monday',176,2210);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from bill;


       BNO DAY              TBNO      TOTAL

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

       301 monday            109       1120

       302 sunday            123       9120

       303 tuesday           122       4200

       304 monday            176       2210


SQL> create table menu(dno int primary key not null,ddes varchar(10), price int check(price>0),bno int references bill);


Table created.


SQL> desc menu;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DDES                                               VARCHAR2(10)

 PRICE                                              NUMBER(38)

 BNO                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into menu values(101,'veg',200,301);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into menu values(102,'non-veg',300,303);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into menu values(103,'non-veg',400,301);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into menu values(104,'veg',250,301);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into menu values(105,'non-veg',800,302);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into menu values(106,'veg',600,304);    


1 row created.


SQL> select * from menu;


       DNO DDES            PRICE        BNO

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

       101 veg               200        301

       102 non-veg           300        303

       103 non-veg           400        301

       104 veg               250        301

       105 non-veg           800        302

       106 veg               600        304

6 rows selected.


SQL> create table bm(bmno int primary key,ddate varchar(10),bno int references bill,mno int references menu);


Table created.


SQL> desc bm;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 BMNO                                      NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DDATE                                              VARCHAR2(10)

 BNO                                                NUMBER(38)

 MNO                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into bm values(1,'12/02/10',301,102);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bm values(2,'09/07/19',303,104);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bm values(3,'02/06/11',302,101);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into bm values(4,'12/02/09',304,102);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from bm;


      BMNO DDATE             BNO        MNO

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

         1 12/02/10          301        102

         2 09/07/19          303        104

         3 02/06/11          302        101

         4 12/02/09          304        102

Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1.   Display the tableno whose dish_desc is “Veg”.


SQL> select tno from menu,bill,bm

  2  where bill.bno=bm.bno

  3  and menu.mno=bm.mno

  4  and dis='veg';







2.   Display the special menu of Monday.

SQL> select dis from bill,menu,bm

  2  where bill.bno=bm.bno

  3  and menu.mno=bm.mno

  4  and day='monday';







Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1.   Display receipt which includes bill_no with Dish description, price, quantity

      and total amount of each menu.


SQL> select sum(,menu.dis,menu.price,bm.qunt from bill,menu,bm

  2  where bill.bno=bm.bno

  3  and menu.mno=bm.mno

  4  group by menu.dis,menu.price,bm.qunt;


SUM(TOTAL) DIS             PRICE       QUNT

--------------- ---------- ---------- ----------

           9120 veg               200        102

           4200 veg               250         23

           1120 non-veg           300        123

           2210 non-veg           300        312


2)Find total amount collected by hotel on date 09/07/2019.

SQL> select sum(total) from bill,menu,bm

  2  where bill.bno=bm.bno

  3  and menu.mno=bm.mno

  4  and ddate='09/07/19';






 3)Count number of menus of billno 301

SQL> select count(dis) from bill,menu,bm

  2  where bill.bno=bm.bno

  3  and menu.mno=bm.mno

  4  and bill.bno=301;





 4)Display menu details having price between 100 and 500.


SQL> select dis,price from menu

  2  where price between 100 and 500;


DIS             PRICE

---------- ----------

veg               200

non-veg           300

non-veg           400

veg               250


5. Display the tableno and day whose bill amount is zero.


SQL> select tno,day from bill

  2  where total=0;


no rows selected


slip-no:12 Q3 Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a 

RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

 Movies (M_name, release_year, budget)

Actor (A_name, role, charges, A_address)

Producer (producer_id, name, P_address)

Relationship:- Each actor has acted in one or more movie. Each producer has produced many movies but each movie can be produced by more than one producers.

Each movie has one or more actors acting in it, in different roles.

 Constraint: Primary key, release_year > 2000, A_address and P_address 

should not be same.

Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1. List the names of movies with the highest budget.

 2. Display the details of producer who have produced more than one movie in a year.

Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]

1. List the names of movies with the second highest budget 2. List the names of actors who have acted in the maximum number of movies.

3. List the names of movies, produced by more than one producer.

4. List the names of actors who are given with the maximum charges for their movie.

5. List the names of actors who have acted in at least one movie, in which ‘Akshay’ has acted.






Q3. Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints. [15 Marks]

Driver (driver_id, driver_name, address)

Car (license_no, model, year)

Relation between Driver and Car is Many to Many with date and time as descriptive attribute.

Constraint: Primary key, driver_name should not be null


SQL>  create table driver(did int primary key,dname varchar(10),addr varchar(10));


Table created.


SQL> desc driver;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DID                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DNAME                                              VARCHAR2(10)

 ADDR                                               VARCHAR2(10)


SQL> insert into driver values(101,'Raghav','pune');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into driver values(102,'ram','mumbai');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into driver values(103,'Abhay','pune');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into driver values(104,'Ganesh','Nanded');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into driver values(105,'Ritik','Nashik');


1 row created.


SQL> select * from driver;


       DID DNAME      ADDR

---------- ---------- ----------

       101 Raghav     pune

       102 ram        mumbai

       103 Abhay      pune

       104 Ganesh     Nanded

       105 Ritik      Nashik


SQL> create table car(lno varchar(10) primary key,model varchar(10),year number,did int references driver);


Table created.


SQL> desc car;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 LNO                                       NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)

 MODEL                                              VARCHAR2(10)

 YEAR                                               NUMBER

 DID                                                NUMBER(38)


SQL> insert into car values('DPU123','w12b',1987,101);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into car values('DPU781','SUV300',2019,103);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into car values('DPU231','swif',2001,105);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into car values('DPU018','ty12',1999,102);


1 row created.


SQL> insert into car values('DPU810','nh79',2001,104);


1 row created.


SQL> select * from car;


LNO        MODEL            YEAR        DID

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

DPU123     w12b             1987        101

DPU781     SUV300           2019        103

DPU231     swif             2001        105

DPU018     ty12             1999        102

DPU810     nh79             2001        104


SQL> create table dc(dco int primary key,did int references driver,lno varchar(10) references car);


Table created.


SQL> desc dc;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 DCO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

 DID                                                NUMBER(38)

 LNO                                                VARCHAR2(10)


SQL> insert into dc values(301,101,'DPU123');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into dc values(302,102,'DPU781');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into dc values(303,103,'DPU123');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into dc values(304,101,'DPU018');


1 row created.


SQL> insert into dc values(305,105,'DPU810');


1 row created.


SQL> select * from dc;


       DCO        DID LNO

---------- ---------- ----------

       301        101 DPU123

       302        102 DPU781

       303        103 DPU123

       304        101 DPU018

       305        105 DPU810


Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

 1. Display the name of driver whose license no is “DPU123”.

SQL> select dname from driver,car,dc

  2  where driver.did=dc.did

  3  and car.lno=dc.lno

  4  and car.lno='DPU123';







2.   Delete the details of car whose model is “swift”.

SQL> delete from car

  2  where model='swif';


1 row deleted.


SQL> select * from car;


LNO        MODEL            YEAR        DID

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

DPU123     w12b             1987        101

DPU781     SUV300           2019        103

DPU018     ty12             1999        102

DPU810     nh79             2001        104


Q4. Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: [25 Marks]


1.   Display details of all persons who are driving ‘Alto’ car

SQL> select dname from driver,car,dc

  2  where driver.did=dc.did

  3  and car.lno=dc.lno

  4  and model='Alto';






 2.Update model of car to “SUV300” whose manufactured year is 2019.

SQL> update car set model='SUV300'

  2  where year=2019;


2 rows updated.


SQL> select * from car;


LNO        MODEL            YEAR        DID

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

DPU123     w12b             1987        101

DPU781     SUV300           2019        103

DPU018     ty12             1999        102

DPU810     nh79             2001        104

DPU811     Alto             2001        104

DPU701     SUV300           2019        101


6      rows selected.



 3.Display car details manufactured before year 2000.


 4.In which day ‘Mr. Ram’ drives maximum number of cars.

SQL> select count(car.model),dname from driver,car,dc

  2  where driver.did=dc.did

  3  and car.lno=dc.lno

  4  and dname='ram'

  5  group by dname;



---------------- ----------

1      ram


 5.Display total number of drivers who drives car in each year.


SQL> select count(driver.did),year,dname from driver,car,dc

  2  where driver.did=dc.did

  3  and car.lno=dc.lno

  4  group by year,dname;



----------------- ---------- ----------

                1       1987 Abhay

                1       1987 Raghav

                1       1999 Raghav

                1       2019 ram

                2       2001 Ganesh

                1       2001 Ritik


6 rows selected.




















































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